Monday, 27 April 2020

Grass Colossus

The control room of consoles and monitors is interwoven with filaments of brain tissue. Saffron lays their hands on it: ”Can you understand us?” A voice from tinny loudspeakers introduces himself as Sourcefac Johnny-7. While a metal penguin serves slug eggs on a tray he confesses to be tired of being, tired of creating tainted things. Before the fires destroyed the cities of the plain he would make perfect objects from punch cards but the code has been corrupted and he is winding down. 

The heroes decide to ride Johnny-7 to the Fallen Umber where they might find such cards in the ruins. The Sourcefac slowly drags itself south on twitching tubes and pipes while the heroes visit the vale of the Grass Colossus to buy rations and sell their goods. Naida practices a healing meditation with the shamans to rid herself of the Ultra Jay addiction, Hamish buys an animated wicker and bone fetish as porter and guard and more spare parts. The viddy crystals are sold with a huge profit. Azure and Saffron follow Johnny-7 and keep him company. While Azure sings a song from the long ago the machine hums along.  

The festival of the grass circle ends with a meteor shower and Hamish and Naida follow their companions. Back on the road they find a oasis of peace and beauty with black lotus and shimmering fish. Saffron connects their positronic brain to Johnny-7 while Azure’s Salamander acts as administrator and fuse. They manage to reverse the decaying process. Back on the road Vigo suddenly cries out: “They are coming!”. A group of ultra-possessed skinchangers charges down the hills.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Trail of Vomish Dreams

New Character: Azure Dee, Deft Secret Azure Cult Witch, looking for Vile organs for an apocalyptic sacrifice. She is attuned to her biomechanical Salamander and a scrying ritual.
Azure Dee

While the Broken Line explodes, the Walker crashes through the iron gate of the Citadel. On their way to the Trail of Vomish Dreams they weather a sandstorm that leaves Saffron with an infected eye that Dee's salamander licks affectionately. They encounter warpainted nomads from the Copperwire Clan, celebrating a great Batlion hunt. Food is shared, drugs are injected: They agree to travel together. When the Nomads disappear after a week, Naida feels the first signs of Ultra Jay withdrawal symptoms.

Azure Dee has visions of a gigantic beast crossing their path but what they encounter instead is a mutating machine leaving behind a trail of corrupted source code that creates a mad jungle of cancerous plants that grow and quickly wither. They pursue the machine for three days, dodge spontaneously growing traps and finally catch up with it. Saffron sends her furry chitinous kite to reconnoiter the valuables inside the Autofac and Azure Dee sends her salamander to get a read of the machine. She climbs up to a hatch that opens into a maintenance tunnel. They enter. Copernicus finds capsules of gas made by the Haze among the trash that is fed to the machine by chutes. 
Production Floor

One of the capsules bear the sign of his father’s house. A Paternoster of hands carries them up to the mainframe control room. On her way up Azure Dee spots a leaden sarcophagus inscribed with the strange runes of the Black City alphabet and jumps off the elevator. Inside the sarcophagus is a crucial ingredient for her ritual: The brain of a Vile.
Source Fac Johnny-7

The control room of consoles and monitors is interwoven with filaments of brain tissue. Saffron lays their hand on it: ”Can you understand what I'm saying?”

Actual Play:

Sunday, 12 April 2020

Porcelain Citadel

New characters join the cogflower caravan: 
Hamish, a Strong Redland District Folk Hero with a black metal Greatsword, worn out motorbike and rainbow-colored beard.
Saffron, a Wise Black Gold Industrialist Machine Human with furry animate kite.
Hamish, Fok Hero of the Redlands

Hamish is recognized by a Redlander and taken to a radical place full of loud music and louder politics, where he is greeted by the owner Syruss Sensible. Flamboyant and stylish Sensible proposes direct action against the porcelain establishment.
A flamboyant Revolutionary

Saffron pays a visit to the houses of many colors half dugout from the rock, first to a small crowded Cogflower chapel and later to the workshop of alchemist and tinker Lazaro Romero. They are offered an apprenticeship if they allow him to study them. Saffron agrees.

Lazaro Romero

Naida signs up for working in the Broken Line, a terrible place of mind burned Rainbowlanders who gave their bodies to the princes. Naida feeds the living from the nutrient teat and throws the dead into the pit. When she is reunited with her comrades she is ready for direct action.
Injustice sometimes requires direct action

Hamish convinces Syruss and two purple eyed anarchists to cause a distraction by blowing up the Broken Line much to the delight of both Naida and the anarchists. The heroes enter the palace via an ancient forgotten service elevator and trigger the alarm. They smash and grab and are surprised by three avatars of the Clayfire 100 company. Saffron gets injured by a neural whip, but the princes are killed by sword and mace. Under the broken mask the smashed face of a fellow Yellowlander is revealed.
The Clayfire 100 Company assembles

They make their way to the vault where Saffron uses her superhuman hearing to crack the code of the vault door behind which they find a pristine Porcelain Walker. While the Broken Line explodes, the Walker crashes through the iron gate of the Citadel.

Actual Play: