Sunday 21 February 2021

Ivory Plain

The caravan leaves the Spectrum Palace in the ultraviolet twilight of the morning. N’keth moves from one vehicle to the other greasing long neglected parts, tightening screws and loosening pistons. Saffron is tending the machine human body while Naida keeps a watchful eye high on the Porcelain Walker. Kozue - aware of the distress her presence causes to some in the caravan - keeps her distance and walks next to the autowagons.

They follow the trail West through regular hills until they reach the deep flat landscape of the Ivory Plain where herds of beasts graze on palely glowing grass. Although most of the time the endless sky is covered with grey clouds the UV radiation is strong and so focused in some places that Saffron gets a terrible sunburn that makes their fur patchy and fries some internal wires.

The Lonely Lodge
They make camp on the plain. Kozue and N’Keth leave the camp to visit the Lonely Lodge, where it is rumored wisdom can be gleaned by those who spend a night there. They find a building carved out of a granite outcropping, overgrown by vines with empty windows and a looming doorway. N’Keth smells the faint odor of wild beasts that frequent the Lodge and Kozue senses the presence of Fae in the multicolored vine blossoms and moving shadows of the carvings. Inside, the building is bedecked by moss and vines, water dripping from the ceiling and gathering in pools and fountains. Naked stairs lead to the upper floor where they rest for the night.

N’Keth lies down on the thick moss and immediately falls asleep while Kozue is guarding him. The moon and stars cast strange shadows that start to deepen and change when a powerful Ultra approaches. Kozue realizes that N’Keth is in danger when Sama Zivani, Eater of Dreamers introduces herself. The Moon Witch allows Sama Zivani to possess her body and take her to the Black City. N’Keth unaware of the deal that protects him from being devoured is visited by a massive Dwarven figure carried by turtles and holding the holy manuals of Volkan. On the scripture a map of the western Grasslands can be seen over which a shadowy creature moves with appendices on its head and small human-shaped parasites hanging from its body. It must be the Vile N’Keth is hunting! When the Diesel Dwarf awakes he can see Kozue gasping from the intense coldness of Sama’s presence inside of her.

Sama Zivani
Saffron, Naida and the caravan guards decide to use the opportunity and go on a hunt. Saffron glides on their furry kite over a herd of massive scaly bovines, trying to lure one away while Ostins and Naida take aim from the Porcelain Walker. Suddenly the air is filled with the terrifying screeches of gigantic predatory birds. Naida rappels from the Walker while killing one of the birds with a head shot while Saffron keeps the other at bay with laser rays shot from their eyes. Ajax comes to the rescue dropping down onto a terror bird that pecks at Naida, and releases poisoned darts from his tail. Amberto is laughing maniacally as he unloads the turret onto the last remaining bird. The smell of grilled poultry fills the air.

The Avatar of the Noetic Biosphere
When they leave the camp and move West they hear the sound of singing and come upon a great herd of beasts, that stampede towards a Giant looming in the distance. Naida recalls stories of a deity that reigns on the Ivory Plain who the nomads call the Avatar of the Noetic Biosphere. They all watch in wonder as the herd starts touching and fusing and melting together in an act of self-sacrifice to the earth elemental.

Actual Play:



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