Vicar's Ear
The party
discusses their next steps inside the big walker of the Survivalists while
outside a glowing fog rises. They decide to hunker down until the fog dissipates. Saffron
is lost in thought about the half-meaningful shapes of the gravel sculptures of
Vicar’s Beach. Naida takes first watch and spots a suspicious faceless stranger
hiding behind one of the red fleshy trees of the Hairwoods. Azure sneaks
outside, camouflages herself with mud and hairy leaves and creeps up on the
intruder, who wears a trench coat, fedora and mold instead of a face. They
speak with a Bluentalk accent and sway like a drunk. Azure constraints the
stranger who admits spying on the walker to ascertain whether they pose a
threat to “Rudolph, the colony”. Hamish diffuses the situation with his typical
charm and the agent retreats into the fog as soon as Azure releases them.
The Hairwoods
The heroes
decide to aid the villagers by sending their retainers and the two autowagons
with them on their way to the Spectrum Palace only keeping the Redlander Truck
and bringing Ostens, the Marksman, with them. In the morning a heavy rain
dissipates the fog and they leave the road and travel North-West through the
forest. When they reach the high and dry grasslands the rain fizzles out. Naida
spots half a dozen wagons on the horizon. Could it be the Purplefolk settlers they are looking for? While they traverse the valley they feel the dryness of the place. Once they arrive at the
site they realize to their horror that the wagons do indeed belong to the
Purplefolk caravan but all its members are dead and desecrated. Ostens searches
the bodies in order to identify the dead while Naida finds tracks of small feet
leaving the area. Assuming an environmental hazard they refrain from following
the tracks and leave the area in haste. |
The Purplefolk settlement
Back in the
Hairwoods they find the road and travel West to locate the last missing caravan
that had been seen crashed at Garnet Ford by the Survivalists. Beautiful rainbows
emanate from the Three Sticks in pulses of healing light and raise the spirits …
until they approach the acrophobic madness that is the Skybridge: a razor thin,
invisible, three mile long piece of stuckforce high over the Skyriver. Hamish
walks in front of the truck tapping the floor, while Naida keeps a steady hand
behind the wheel. Halfway across the bridge a cascade of lights and water jets erupt from a plaza abuts the river but our heroes cannot find the peace of
mind to enjoy the spectacle. When they finally reach the other sight Naida gives
Hamish a big wet kiss while Saffron stares absent minded into the distant where
Vicar’s Beach lies. |
Actual Play: https://youtu.be/am34DVWvKns
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