Three knights travelling through a misty morning along a river, a grim faced fourth one on a scaled horse trailing behind.
What follows are notes from Ser Perilake's diary ...
STONEDAY Week 1 of the Month of Sprouts
The first day of Spring, cold. We follow the river. Anastaz holds the map. We travel all day, and make camp together despite Ludmer’s concerns.
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The Ryba at dawn |
WOODSDAY Week 1 of the Month of Sprouts
In the morning we arrive at the holding and are led to the castle by a slightly suspicious fellow [Jakub, the blacksmith]. There appears to have been some great revelry recently. The steward of the castle - Lady Lydia of Szalai - greets us; this is Lord Adalbert's holding. We are brought to the throne room full of banners. Some show a rearing red horse on a blue field - the coat of arms of house Szalai - but also large banners depicting a beehive and a sickle as if to honour an important guest. The party was the Feast of the Sun and there are still sleeping musicians lying on the floor. Sir Adalbert claims that there has been betrayal by the filthy Karpatians to the South who dispute his claim to the territory. The ruler of the Realm is King Andrasz. Lady Lamberta of Karpat is the enemy of Adalbert who - he claims - is encroaching on their territory: The disputed area is hex I5.. She holds lands to the east (hex K5). At Sceptremass the king would make a ruling but Adalbert wants resolution immediately. The Entombed Seer is nearby - in hills to the north-west (hex D3). The Prey Seer is to the south in a wild heath near a swamp (hex HI5).
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Adalbert apparently likes to ... party? |
ARMSDAY, Week 1 of the Month of Sprouts
We meet villagers from Kozamost (or Goatbridge), to the South and West of here. They seek an old lady to the north and possibly east, a herb gatherer named Vera. We search for signs of where she is. There is a geyser to the east (H4/I4) of there that is erratic and odd. With the villagers we head to hex H4/I4 and find the brutally torn remains of Vera, lying in the open. Track of a single wolf, that sometimes walks on two legs. The villagers take the remains and we pursue the beast into hex I4. At night, Heldris finds a corpse of a deer, torn much like Vera. Heldris is consumed by an unnatural urge to paw and sniff the carcass of the deer; we are all aghast at the fell sorcery that has affected our companion. Perhaps we should seek the Prey Seer for guidance before continuing our hunt…
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