Afternoon of the 1st Rainsday of Bales: Outside Barow Castle.
Dark clouds move before the afternoon sun and big heavy raindrops slowly start to fall. Servants have brought food to the pavilion where Anastaz, Ludmer and Perilake rest before the final round. A moment before the rainstorm comes down Heldris enters the tent.
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz looks up as Heldris enters the tent and senses something is amiss. "What's wrong, Dove Knight?"
Heldris the Dove Knight
Before answering, Heldris takes a seat. "I've stumbled upon a strange place today..." and he relates his visit to the auditorium, the spirit who claimed to be the nephew of the 'true king', the slab with the beehive and the sickle, and finally the dark underground corridor leading to the great hall and then outside the castle, where the feast will be held. "I wonder what to make of all this... it felt like a dream."
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"... it felt like a dream." |
Anastaz the Salt Knight
"Hm. It all seems to go back to the war. I wonder if there is any connection to the Eye we saw in our dreams."
Perilake the Gilded Knight
"The Prey Seer warned us that The Eye would twist minds and dreams against the Realm," Perilake muses, roused briefly from his rest. "That we wonder at its presence here, at a time of such revelry - well, perhaps that is a sign that its gaze is already at work upon us." He sighs. "Such things are matters for the Seers, I fear. They are certainly beyond my powers...." He lifts himself to a seated position and smiles at the others. "Sir Johann however - well, soon we will know the answer"
Perilake's last words are almost drowned out by the heavy rain against the canvas. Nobody stands in the open: most squires and servants are peaking out of the pavilons to watch the next bout and the grand stand is packed. Sir Johann sits very still on his noble steed, stoically withstanding the onslaught of the elements. The horns sound and he slowly approaches the stand to salute the king.
Perilake the Gilded Knight
The heavy rain rings a steady rhythm on the golden helm and mail of the rider who pulls up alongside Johann. Perilake raises his lance in salute, tip pointing upwards at the grey sky. He nods at Sir Johann before stirring Blacwyn into position.
While riding back you feel Johann's stare on you. "Perilake! Is that the rain or are you still wet behind your ears?" he bellows, drawing laughter from the stands."You are young enough to be my squire, son!" There is humour in his voice but also a steely confidence."I have a wager for you: Win and you can have my squire. Lose and serve me during winter at Szalai Keep, perchance I can teach you some humility!"
Perilake the Gilded Knight
"Teachers must first learn their own lessons before they can instruct others, Sir Johann" Perilake calls back with a smile. "Luckily we find ourselves on the field of education."
He considers for a moment, then wheels his horse around and comes to shake Johann's hand. "I accept, for either way, it would seem I stand to prosper." With a firm nod, he readies for the battle.
Sir Johann's handshake is firm and his grin reveals the sharp fangs of a wolf. He returns to the starting position, yells "Duty!" and spurs his steed. In the deep mud the horse initially struggles but reaches gallop shortly before the two knights meet. Johann aims his lance at your side trying to push you out of the saddle!
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Sir Johann, the Marshall of Szalai, looking pensive |
Perilake the Gilded Knight
"Honour!" Yells Perilake as he spurs Blacwyn forward, the mighty chargers hooves pounding the mud into the air. There is a mighty crash as the two riders stampede together. Both tips find their mark, but Sir Johann's skitters slightly off the polished gold and fails to find full purchase even as he braces. Meanwhile Perilakes lance is steady and true, catching the other knight just below the sternum. As the horses pass each other, only one remains seated.
Winded by the solid blow, Perilake peels his helmet off and lets the rain fall on his face as the crowds cheer escapes the stands. He breathes deeply, then dismounts and walks over to Johann, stirring on the ground. He offers a hand. "Nearly, Nearly. A close lesson in humility my lord," he smiles. "But perhaps a better one in jousting. I look forward to meeting our young squire."
Sir Johann takes your hand and pulls himself up. "A hard lesson learned, good Sir. That teaches me to think before gambling my trusted Zoltan away. Ah, you fought well and deserve to be accompanied by such a fine young lad." He wipes off the mud from his face. "My offer stands though: Come to Szalai Keep for the winter but now as an equal. It seems you are old enough to teach me some tricks.
Perilake the Gilded Knight
"I'll consider your offer well and hope that duty allows me to accept it. But let us retire from the field, I must find a good spot to see my friend." Perilake shakes his head. "I'll need to spot an advantage if I'm to best the Salt Knight in the finale!"
While Perilake takes his seat in the stands, guardsmen in armour appear and position themselves around the roped off field. The rain is relentless, thunder growls. Then Sir Vladimir enters the field on a fat steed, raises his banner and trots once around the tiltyard, guards raising their weapons and cheering when the banner passes them. The banner shows a red and white diamond with the crest of house Barlow: A Buck Head and Star. As he finishes his round the horns sound for the penultimate bout
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Tibor carries the Salt Knight out into the field, two indistinct figures beneath the pouring rain, their gaunt frames illuminated by the periodic flashes of lightning. Tibor strides to the center of the field, and Anastaz shouts, struggling to be heard above the downpour. "I HAVE WATCHED YOUR MATCHES WITH GREAT INTEREST, SIR VLADISLAV! YOU SEEM A FORMIDABLE FOE! GOOD LUCK!" His hand goes to the wolf pendant around his neck, which he rubs as he thinks of his comrades that have fallen and one he has yet to battle.
"MY HONOUR TO FINALLY CROSS LANCES WITH YOU SALT KNIGHT" Vlad's voice is a warm bariton and although his features are hard, his kind eyes muster you curiously. "MAY THE BETTER KNIGHT WIN AND MAY IT BE ME!" He salutes and trots back to his starting position where he hands the banner to his squire and takes from him the tournament lance.
He turns his fat steed and spurs it on while yelling! "FOR THE KING!" The stand erupts in cheers echoing his battle cry. He sits deep in his saddle, his warhorse plowing through the mud. He aims his lance expertly at you shoulder using the angle to dismount you. His lance catches you and thrusts you off your horse.
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz spurs Tibor onward, aiming his lance at the middle of Sir Vlad's chest. As he approaches the other knight, he goes to dodge out of the way of the lance but it seems to follow him and the Salt Knight feels two hard contacts: Sir Vlad's lance punching into his shoulder, and his own lance slamming into the king's brother. The world spins and goes dark for a moment, and when Anastaz opens his eyes and stands up, he sees Vladislav advancing from the other side of the field. He sighs and draws his mace from its holster at his waist.
Sir Vladimir stands up groggily and shakes his head. He laughs heartily: "GOOD HIT, SALT KNIGHT, BUT NOW THE REAL BATTLE BEGINS!" He menacingly sloshes through the deep mud towards you drawing his spiked hammer and a dagger
He swings his hammer at your head, while trying do wedge his dagger between the chains of your coraline mail. You dodge the hammer but the dagger drives deep into your guts.
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The Salt Knight and Sir Vladimir brawling |
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz dodges the spiked hammer and drives his mace into Vlad's side as Sir Vlad lunges into him with his knife. The Salt Knight crumples as pain unlike he's ever felt before flashes through his body. He cries out and struggles through the agony to push off the Banner Knight and prepare himself for a second volley of blows.
The Banner Knight tumbles backwards barely staying on his feet, he wheezes: "I might have scratched an itch over there", pointing with his dagger at you. He slowly approaches you through the mud, making erratic stabbing motions with his dagger trying to keep you at bay. Blood spills through is mail and runs down his side. Suddenly he feints with his left and brings his hammer down on your shoulder. You hear something crack horribly.
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz advances on Sir Vladislav, deft despite his injuries. Sir Vlad lunges to the left and Anastaz strikes with his blade, piercing the other knight's side as he brings down his hammer on the Salt Knight's shoulder. The Banner Knight falls on top of Anastaz, who desperately attempts to keep the large man from sliding further down his blade and piercing an organ. Anastaz hears Sir Vlad's ragged gasps in his ear as he finally extracts his knife and pushes the Banner Knight onto his back. Consumed by pain and losing a considerable amount of blood, Anastaz cries "Healer!" before falling unconscious, laying across Sir Vlad's immobile form.
Steady rain falls on the blood soaked mud while the two motionless bodies are carried away. The king runs down to the balustrade gesticulating for his advisors to help his brother. All around him shouts and gasps can be heard over thunder and rain. When the horns sound to mark the end of round 3 the stand is almost empty the king standing alone with his head in his hands.
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