After dawn in a swamp
just south of Kozamost
2nd Kinsday of Bales
The sky is overcast but
the air is warm. Carts are stuck in the mud, a riderless horse grazes
nearby. In his death the Knight with the crest of house Masur is
still clutching Sir Heldris whose shield arm is in a terrible angle
under his body. To the east you see peasants pinning a bandit down
with their pitchforks while the last mercenaries disappear into the
woods. To the west raftsmen moor the barge on the bank of the river.
Ludmer, the Trail
Knight Ludmer searches the dead and their carts for clues and
evidence as to who is behind these bandits. If those clues lead to
Mira, he is all the more happy for it, but he will follow the trail
wherever it leads. He will also relieve the dead of their valuables,
not for his own enrichment, but to pass them on to the suffering
people of the realm. On his belt he has a special purse where he
collects the loot that is to be given out to those in need.
Just south of Kozamost |
On the dead
Knight's body you find his signet ring with the honeycomb and
halfmoon of house Masur and a letter. The seal - a behive and sickle
- is broken: "The merchants will pass Kozamost around the 2nd
Kinsday. Use the money to form a second war band. Protect the peat
farmers when Andrasz strikes."
The letter is signed L
Heldris the Dove Knight is dreaming:
As our gaze pans on
Heldris resting with his back against a mangrove tree, unconsciously
clutching his left arm, the image fades to a watery element. We see
Heldris lying on a boat on the middle of a mist-covered lake. An elderly woman sits on the bow, her silvery hair
falls down on her white silk dress like a gentle mountain stream. She
hums a pleasant melody while she rests her fair eye upon the horizon.
As the Knight stirs for his slumber, she greets him with a comforting
smile. As she lowers her gaze, we see her holding a white dove on her
lap, one wing broken. She gently caresses the bird's soft down, as
she hums her pleasant tune. The bird's eyes slowly calm from their
restless motion, and the beast settles comfortably on her lap,
falling asleep. As the woman's hands embrace the dove gently, our
gaze fade back on Heldris lying against the mangrove tree, embraced
by its twisting roots, a hint of serenity in the stillness of his
The roots of the trees
around you form strange spires and it is for a moment as if you were
a giant resting within a city. When you look up the woman is gone and
the dove has turned into a red raven that takes flight, cawing
ominously. You wake up sweating, your left arm is numb and you cannot
move it.
Perilake the Gilded
Perilake wheels his
horse, and gallops towards his young squire and the villagers as they
put the last of the straggling bandits down. "Brave work my
friends, and you acquitted yourself well my squire." He looks
over Zoltan to see how the youth fares in the wake of his first true
battle. Not all who wish to be knights can bear the burden of
bringing death. The songs of valour are in truth ill preparation for
the bloody task of protecting the realm. "Leave the bandits.
Their strength is gone. Yours would be better spent looking after the
wounded, such as Sir Heldris. "
Ludmer, the Trail
Ludmer takes a look at
the arm. Finding that there is nothing he can do here in the field,
he resorts to cleaning it out and suturing it up while Heldris is
unconscious. There will be enough pain to bear for his friend in the
coming days. Best to do the grimmest work while he is still dreaming.
He then constructs a string and splint. Just as Heldris' eyes flutter
open, Ludmer hears the cawing of one of these cursed red ravens
behind him. "You fought well, my friend. You might have saved
all our lives today. However, I am afraid you've paid a terrible
price" He takes a cup with tea to Sir Heldris' lips. "Drink
this, brave Sir Heldris. It will ease the pain."
The peasants seem
relieved that no more heroics are expected from them and they leave
to help Sir Ludmer. They glance back at Zoltan occasionally and there
is a mixture of amusement and respect in their eyes for the young
squire. Zoltan who is kneeling on the bandit with a dagger at his
throat looks up when he hears Ser Perilake's words. His blond hair
clings sweatily to his forehead but he is unharmed and seems
unperturbed: “Sir, the peasants fought well and held the line, we
caught this vagabond but he refuses to speak.”
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz looks at
Heldris, his brow furrowed with concern for his comrade, but, seeing
his companion is well-cared for, he rides his scaled steed to the
edge of the woods. Not to pursue the mercenaries now, but to find any
traces they may have left.
The trail the
mercenaries left is fresh and easy enough to follow. At a clearing
they seem to have broken up in smaller groups. You are convinced you
would be able to follow the tracks even if a day would pass. You also
think you could catch up with one of the groups and potentially
apprehend them.
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz rides back to
the rest of the party. "I say we follow the deserters within the
day with whatever strength we can muster. The dead tell no tales, and
those wise enough to flee may tell us more than we can learn from
searching the dead. Of course, Heldris has shown enough bravery for a
lifetime, but I can lead any who remain unwounded."
Ludmer, the Trail Knight
"Yes..." Ludmer says, slowly but determined, between rattling breaths. "We can't let the trail go cold. Sir Heldris, can you ride?"
Heldris the Dove Knight
Heldris gaze moves ferish from Ludmer to Timea and then at his arm. He lets out a low groan, "I don't think I'll be able to ride, my friend" he wishpers to the Trail Knight, "but go forth, Timea will know what to do with me, I trust her wisdom and knowledge."
Perilake the Gilded
"Bind the cur, and
bring him with us. He will stand trial for his crime." Perilake
leans over the reins towards the bandit. "The sentence will be
harsh, as is the King's law. But those who speak for the good of the
Realm may be shown mercy, despite their past villainy."
The man looks up at
you, Ser Perilake and grins, revealing golden teeth. He wears
patchwork armour and crude earrings. "I don't care for the good
of your realm, Sir Knight. If you want this bird to sing for you you
need to pay it and pay it well." Disgusted Zoltan binds the man
and leads him back towards the battlefield where peasants lift the
dead knight onto a cart. They look unsure what to do with him.
Timea who arrived with
a group of raftsmen kneels down to inspect Heldris' maimed arm.
“Young Knight” she purrs in her soothing voice. “You paid a
heavy price for your bravery, for your limb will be lost. Better get
this over with before the fire in your arms spreads. You might be
able to ride for now but … “ She shakes her head. “A leech is
travelling with us who will have you sleep and when you wake up
...well, you will have to look for a new arm.”
The sun breaks through
the clouds, flies buzz around the blood of the battlefield. The
villagers help Heldris climb on the cart. Timea sits down beside him
whispering comforting words. Ludmer, are you leaving with them or do
you stay with your brother Knights? Anastaz and Perilake, the
prisoner looks woefull as the barge is steered back to the village.
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz strokes his
chin pensively, eyeing the captive. "I believe we need a Seer's
counsel: Gilded Knight, do you still seek to visit the Prey Seer? I
shall accompany you."
Perilake the Gilded
"Aye Salt Knight.
I fear our quest for the chalice must wait another season, for we
have encountered a more pressing matter for the realm. We must ask
the seer to take word to Eldermass of the Eye on our behalf."
Perilake shakes his head slightly. "One would hope the Seers
would do so without our request, but their wisdom is not always one
the same as that of us mere mortals." A grunt from the prisoner
as Zoltan pulls on the rope draws his attention. Perilake stares for
a second at the man, then lowers his voice to Anastasz "And
perhaps... perhaps a man who values money more than his honour may
still value his soul yet more. Perhaps the Seer may be of use even in
this matter."
Anastaz the Salt Knight
"Perhaps so. At
least then he can be of some use."
Zoltan's pony has
trouble keeping up as you gallop past the village with the prisoner
tied to one of the horses. You see Heldris and Timea disappearing
into one of the houses while raftsmen are loading the goods back onto
the barge. You ride north-east past giant tree trunks - remnants of
an ancient forest -and over a beautiful heath in full bloom, peaceful
meerkats peaking out of their burrows. The smell of wild flowers is
in the air. By noon you reach the gorge and find the footholds that
allow climbing down.
The Sanctum of the Prey Seer |
Your eyes adjust to the
twillight of the gorge. It is much colder down here. You walk past
offerings of flowers, nuts and dates. When you arrive at the overhang
you realise you haven't seen smoke from a campfire. There is a small
hut or tent made from bark. The rock behind the hut is covered with
strange stick figures and colourful moss. All is silent.
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz carefully
climbs down into the gorge and walks to a few meters from the hut.
"We seek the Prey Seer," he says loudly.
There is a muffled
sound from within the hut. After a while the curtain parts and the
dishevelled looking Prey Seer peaks out nervously but her face
brightens when she recognizes you: "Sir Knight, finally! Have
you come to protect me? The cursed acolytes of the Eye will bring my
death. I have seen it in my visions!"
Perilake the Gilded
"We seek to
protect all the seers. After our last meeting, we sought out the
lords of the realm and warned them of the threat and asked for their
aid. Yet we lack the vision to find the acolytes of the eye, or this
fell power itself... And I fear beyond our brotherhood, few look for
the dangers of the Eye" Perilake kneels before the prey seer.
"We sought out the entombed seer for guidance, but he spoke only
in riddles. I fear that your brethren may not have shared your vision
- and that in such shadows, we will be unable to find the threat."
"Good seer, I ask that at the Eldermass you take forth two
things. One, the promise that the brotherhood of the black fleece is
ready to place our blades between you and any threat. But secondly -
a plea to your gathered council on our behalf. We need the wisdom of
the seers to guide us, for we cannot see the Eye with our own vision.
Perhaps together the Realms seers can see beyond this black, twisting
shadow that falls upon the minds of men".
He twists his head and
looks toward the bound prisoner, held firmly by the Salt Knight. "We
sought to make this request to the Eldermass directly, yet the
demands of the Realm have halted our questing. Foul bandits stalk the
Realm - more chaos unleashed by the Eye or it's acolytes I fear. A
hand guides these mercenaries against the Kings law. This man will
not tell us what he knows of this plot, yet I know a Seer may hear
things yet unsaid, see truths within - or pry sealed lips more
forcefully than mere coin or threat of blade mat ever do." "I
know we ask for more than we have been able to provide through our
meagre abilities. All I can promise is that we remain bound to our
service against the coming dark... And my own oath that in the
turning of the seasons, I will stand guard. I will ensure that over
the dark months, you are safe. I and my squire will remain here so
you may know peace in the long nights."
As the Prey Seer
cautiously steps out of her hut you see behind her through the
curtain a hiking pole and pack leaning against the wall. She sits
down at the campfire and rekindles it. The stick figures start to
dance in the flickering light. “We Seers are placed above and
beyond the squabbles of men. It is the Eye that could give you all
the answers.” She shudders ”IT wants to see all, reveal
everything. But this is not the way of the Seers.” She throws herbs
into a blackened pot and puts it on the fire then turns to the
prisoner.”You can make him talk with promises of gold and threats
of pain and he might reveal the name of the Knight who is dead and
the Bishop who hides in a cave. But the name of the Queen who lives
in a castle (but not as the ruler) he does not know and neither does
he know the player of games who moves the pieces around. I will bring
your message to the secret council, Ser Perilake, and I will await
your return on the night of the Feast of the Moon.
Perilake the Gilded
"Thank you good
Seer." Perilake bows his head, and stands. "Come Anastasz,
let us return to the others. I pray that brave Heldris has survived
his injuries" He grabs the wrists of the bound mercenary "And
so should you, brigand..." Perilake drags the mercenary back up
the Gorge's winding path, towards Zoltan and the steeds.
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz sighs in
anticipation of the long passage back up the ravine, and follows
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