Wednesday, 12 March 2025

The Eye II

2nd Kinsday of Bales

Heldris, you wake up from uneasy dreams of hundreds of roots pulling you into the ground. Deep underground there is a chestnut tree that bears no fruit except three nuts, one dead, one sealed shut and a third one, salted and cracked. Then you wake up, sweating. Below the elbow your left arm is missing and you feel a numb pain where your lower arm had been. Ludmer is at your side.

Heldris the Dove Knight
The Dove Knight turns his head towards his bedside. As his eyes adjust to the feverish light of the candles in the room, he recognises a friendly face. “Did we crush them?” he asks, almost in a whisper. Then he makes a gesture as to relieve an itch that he shouldn’t be able to feel, as he realises that in a moment he lets his right arm fall back and smiles at Ludmer, painfully.

Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz ducks through the doorway of the house in which Heldris is being held, seeing Ludmer at his side. "How's the pain, Dove Knight?

Ludmer, the Trail Knight
"You did, Heldris. You have saved all our lifes. Rest now. You need to heal.", Ludmer says as he turns to Anastaz. "Healing from a wound such as this is not an easy task. Not even for our mighty wolf. What did you find? Did you get soldiers?"

Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz frowns. "No, merely cryptic clues. They said gold or threats of violence could persuade our captive to talk."

Perilake the Gilded Knight
"The Seer.... The Seer spoke in their way. She said that he could tell us of a 'Bishop who hides in a cave', but not of the others involved in this plot. Of a 'Queen who lives in a castle, but not as the ruler, or the player of games who moves the pieces around' ". Perilake laughs a small, rueful sound. "Of course, the Seer herself could only tell us what she could not tell us." "We returned rather than press on to Karpat or Szalai. The dark trails of conspiracy spread out before us, and I know not which path to take."

There is a knock at the door and Mira enters, followed by villagers carrying pots and pans. The villagers set the table in silence. You have the feeeling Mira might have been listening as she looks puzzled before composing herself. "Please make yourself comfortable, I apologize we can't meet the standards that high lords as yourself ... " sideeying Ludmer " ...are used to." The villagers bring bedrolls upstairs before leaving. Mira bows: "May the Seers bless your meal" She waits to be dismissed.

Anastaz the Salt Knight
“Thank you, my lady," Anastaz says. As she leaves, he raises an eyebrow at Ludmer, unaware of what has transpired between them.

Mira takes Anastaz words as a cue and leaves.
A forced confession in the barn
2nd Skyday of Bales

An old man brings a hearty breakfast at dawn excusing Mira who is attending the small service for the dead Knight. A slight drizzle is falling on Zoltan who is waiting outside with the horses.

Heldris the Dove Knight
At the smell of breakfast, Heldris finds himself famished. As he devours a large piece of buttered bread, he recounts the dream he had during his convalescence, about the three nuts and the bare tree. “Could all these riddles be referring to the Old King?” he asks, hinting at the Seer’s words. “The Eye, mercenaries through the land, rumours of injustice…” he sighs “the land seems riddled with dangers more and more. We should see what our captive has to say about the dead Knight and the Bishop.” He then turns to Ludmer, “thank you for being there in these darkest hours,” and to Anastaz and Perilake, “and thank you my friends for pressing ahead into danger allowing us to rest and recover."

Ludmer, the Trail Knight
"It lifts my heart to see you in such good spirit, Sir Heldris", Ludmer says, "Britta, the cook at my father's estate always used to say that there is no ailment a hearty broth cannot heal. She was wise like that. I'm afraid I'll never meet a person more knowledgeable of herbs and spices". His eyes stare in the middle distance for a moment before he comes back to the present.

"We should follow the trail of the war dogs before it is washed away entirely. Sir Anastaz, will you come with me? I would appreciate your presence and your sharp intellect"

Perilake the Gilded Knight
Perilake stares for slightly too long as Heldris fumbles with the buttered bread, his face clouding before he catches himself and forces his usual expression of good cheer back in to place. "Your insights may bear true Sir Heldris. We will see what knowledge can be found in the yapping of this dog of war.... Anastasz, Ludmer - be careful. Perhaps my squire may be of assistance? Young Zoltan needs to learn the ways of the woods." As he speaks, Heldris prepares a small plate for the boy, to enjoy after he has tended to the horse's morning feed.

Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz eats slowly and methodically, listening intently to Heldris's account. To Ludmer's request, he responds, "Of course, Trail Knight. And I suppose the boy can come with us, if he won't get in the way."

Ludmer, the Trail Knight
"Are you sure he isn't bound to learn more from you, Sir Perilake?", Ludmer meekly tries to politely voice his displeasure.

Perilake the Gilded Knight

Perilake laughs, his good humour restored "Ah you flatter me my friend. No better teacher for knightly valour and skill than the trail knight - and I know he is in awe of the champion of the tourneys! I only ask that you take care of the lad."

Ludmer, the Trail Knight
Ludmer tries a cheerful smile that bleeds into a sour expression in the traitorous corners of his mouth "If you say so, Sir Perilake. I will try my best to teach the boy some humility".

Heldris the Dove Knight
"Well," Heldris swallows the last piece of bread "let's see what this war dog has to say. Perhaps he can still restore at least part of his honour... I'll follow your lead in the matter Sir Perilake."

Zoltan comes in and wolves down the plate Perilake had set aside for him. When he hears about the plans to have him travel with Ludmer his expression darkens but he says nothing and follows Anastaz and the Trail Knight dutifully when they leave the village.

Heldris and Perilake, you find the prisoner in an empty barn for the harvest has just begun. He looks from one Knight to the other and laughs.”Have you finally coughed up some gold coins?”

Perilake the Gilded Knight
Perilake looks to Heldris, and let's out a heavy sigh. "Neither Honour or the Realm hold value for you, we understand that. So if coin is what it takes to open your lips, then coin is yours." He pulls a pouch of coin from his belt. Using his other hand, he unsheathes his sword. "When we are done here, I will place it in your mouth, so you may hold it once the King's justice has been visited on your sword arm" "Now; what do you know of your paymasters? Of your brethren and where they may flee?"

His smile falters as he sees the steel in Perilake's eyes and he looks down at his bound hands.”My name is Bartek and I haven't been born with a silver spoon in my mouth, … and I don't want to die with a golden coin in it. My paymasters … well one is dead and the other, Sandor ... maybe he is not a good man but he always treated me well and my brothers and sister in arms are the closest to a family I ever had.” Bartek looks up again. Now that his bravado is gone he looks older although he can't be much older than you.”Please don't tell them that I am a traitor. The dead Knight is Grigori of Masur and we called him Prince behind his back and maybe he felt he had to prove something or maybe he was bored, in any case, on a normal raid Sandor would lead us and Sir Grigori would stay behind in the hideout. The soldiers with Grigori treated him with respect of course but us mercenaries we didn't see much in him.
I have been riding with Sandor forever now, I was younger even than your Squire when he took me in. A strange man, with ugly burn marks and you don't want to cross him but he is fiercely loyal to his men. Some call him the Hawk, and the older fighters say he can turn into one and fly away, although I have never seen that for myself.
We fought in the Crown Lands for one side or the other when Sir Grigori approached Sandor with promises of riches and his own Holding. That was a year ago. SInce then we lived in this cave to the east, raiding merchants on the river but never harming a Vassal, Sir Grigori was adamant about this. We had good information as well. Once in a while a visitor in a strange mask would come and after that we knew where to strike. I've seen the mask on beekeepers in the South, quite unsettling if you ask me. I can show you the cave on a map if you have one.
Oh, we do have a map!
Heldris the Dove Knight
The Dove Knight kneels closer to the captive, placing his hand on his shoulder. He opens his mouth to speak but stops as he realises he’s been tightening his grasp more and more, like a piercing claw. He relaxes his grasp and regains his composure. “You’ve done right to your mistreated honour,” he tries to give a reassuring smile, “show us the place on the map, and tell us more about this strange visitor and their mask.”

Bartek winces slightly under Heldris' grip. He puts his bound hands on a region east of Karpat Fortress [Hex L5].The beekeeper would arrive late at night and leave long before dawn. I never got a good look at him - well I say him but I don't know if he is indeed a man or if it even was always the same person. I think they had coin on them when they visited because Sandor was always very cheerful afterwards."

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