2nd Skyday of Bales
Ludmer and Anastaz it
is still raining as you leave the village, Zoltan is trailing behind
you. At the river the barge is about to embark. You hear a sad melody
you immediately recognize: Bente, the acolyte of the Entombed Seer
played it at his tomb. You pass a group of villagers in a small
graveyard. Mira, dressed in a grey tunic and with a crown of wild
flowers, plays the flute while a body is lowered into the grave.
Before you is the swamp where the battle took place and you can see
the forest that Anastaz scouted to the east.
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz mutters, "Safe
travels, Knight," as he goads his horse east. When he arrives at
the edge of the forest he holds up and waits for Ludmer and Zoltan.
Ludmer, the Trail
Without wasting a word
or a glance on Zoltan, Ludmer rides after Anastaz, taking in the
environment. At the edge of the forest, he dismounts, takes out his
red tinted looking glass and says: "Wait, Sir Anastaz. From here
on out, we should move slowly and with forethought. Keep an eye on
our environment and try not to destroy the trail." As he stoops
down, the light falls through his looking glass, illuminating streaks
of bright red in the mud. "One of them was already loosing blood
on the way here. That is peculiar. But it should allow us to find
their encampment by following the trail"
Anastaz the Salt Knight
"Lead the way,
Trail Knight."
The spoors lead north, east and south |
You enter the dense
forest, old trees covered in moss standing in stagnant water. In the
distant you hear shrieking birds and the growling of a lynx. The
blood drops lead to a clearing, where the warband had split into
smaller groups. There is more blood on the ground and there are signs
that the fighters had rested for a moment probably tending to the
wounded for the blood trail ends. But there are other traces: Snapped
twigs, boots sunken into the deep ground, moss missing on the bark
where a shoulder rubbed against it. The spoors lead north, east and
south east.
Ludmer, the Trail
"Sir Anastaz,
Zoltan!", Ludmer calls out as he points towards where the three
trails diverge. "What do you think? Which one of those three
trails is the most likely to be the one that leads to the encampment?
Which ones can we rule out and why? Consider the normal movements of
a warband. People will step out to relieve themselves. People will
scout ahead and return to the main body later to report. I ask you:
where do you see the movement of a warband and which trails will
likely lead to a turd in the woods?"
Heldris the Dove Knight
Still puzzled by the
soldier’s account, Sir Heldris leaves the barn to find Timea. As he
approaches the healer, he bows slightly. “Dear Timea, I wish to
thank you for your cares. Without your expert medicine, I wouldn’t
make it out alive from our bloody endeavour. I’m in your debt and
my services are yours if the need should arise.”
Timea seems even more
fragile between the tall porters loading crates and sacks back onto
the barge. She grabs your right hand and looks at you intensely with
her big browless eyes: "No my dearest Lord, I wish to thank you,
without your bravery we would have lost all. If you find a smith to
make you the most delicate silver arm to replace the one you
sacrificed it would be my honour to pay for it." While she
speaks there are shouts of warning as one of the porters drops a
crate which cracks and spills straw on the ground. A single earthen
jar rolls over the pier and is quickly grabbed by a guard who returns
it, scolding the man. Timea had not taken her eyes of you and she
hands you a jewell studded coin with the symbol of a gold fish:
"Promise me Dove Knight that you take care of your arm as soon
as possible."
Heldris the Dove Knight
"I will take good
care of my arm, I promise. And as long as my right hand can wield a
sword, I'll live to my oaths and defend the realm.” The Dove Knight
holds the golden fish coin in his hand. “Thank you dear Timea, for
you generosity and kind spirit.” He eyes the embossed golden fish
on the coin. “Does this symbol represent the Merchant Guild? I will
treasure it as a token of dearest friendship.” He adds, “before
wishing you all safe travel, may I bother with another symbol? It
seems that pulling the strings behind these thefts there was a masked
figure, a Beekeeper. Are you familiar with it?” Before she can
answers, Heldris eyes the earthen jar being secured behind her back.
“Forgive my asking, but are you carrying something more valuable
than mare wares? As to attract such bizarre attention.”
Timea lets go of your
hand and bows formally: “I represent the Merchant Guildry of
Szolnok and Mohacs from the Barowian Crown Lands, and yes: The
Goldfish as a symbol of fortune and prosperity is our emblem.
Unfortunately I am obliged by our rules to maintain confidentiality
about our trade goods.” Her intense stare doesn't falter but she
smiles slightly: ”A masked figure you say? That sounds terribly
mysterious and a secret worthy to be uncovered by such a dapper
Knight as yourself. The village of Bohut is famous for its honey and
I have seen beekeepers there, but ..." her smile broadens "...
I would be surprised if they turn out to be bandits."
In a forest east of
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz rubs his chin,
amused by this game. "The warband would likely make camp deep in
the woods, so east could lead toward their camp. Southeast is more
bog, perhaps a diversion. And north would be near Kozamost. How am I
doing, Trail Knight?"
Ludmer, the Trail
"You are a credit
to the realm, Sir Anastaz", Ludmer says, pointedly ignoring
Zoltan, who preferred to not engage in this learning experience. "I
concur with your deduction. The way north would lead us back to
whence we came. The trail leading southeast is the trail I would lay
for horsemen dimmer than you or I..." piercing glance at Zoltan
"...to get caught in the muddy bog, an easy target for an
ambush. The way due east seems the most promising."
The boy returns
Ludmer's piercing glance with a slightly bemused but sullen look. "My
apologies, from what Sir Perilake told me of your skills on the
trail, I presumed you had already seen the obvious." No sooner
have the words left his mouth, than he breaks eye contact and looks
down. "I apologise my lord. I will be quicker in my responses to
your question and presume less." he mumbles
Ludmer, the Trail
"There is no such
thing as 'the obvious', squire. The obvious is the blade you parry.
What kills you is the leg that trips you and sends you on your ass,
defenseless to the next strike, while you smugly assume you have seen
and parried 'the obvious'." Ludmer kneels down and plucks a
yellow cat's mouth flower from the mud "Where have you seen that
flower before? Was it on the lapel of the slain brigant knight? Was
it in the medicine pouch the company's barber-surgeon has dropped as
she fled, or have we seen patches of them wherever we found wet soil
and brackish water? What is the 'obvious' you're seeing here, boy?"
Zoltan blinks slowly,
and looks to Anastasz, then back to Ludmer. "Other than the
trail that must lead back to the camp, given it is neither bog or
back towards the village, I would say... it is obvious I have much to
learn, my lord knight." He spares another pleading look at
Anastasz, then bows his head nervously.
Ludmer, the Trail
"Let's go and take
the obvious path then", Ludmer mutters and starts walking,
feeding the flower to his horse that had been watching the scene
Anastaz the Salt Knight
Anastaz follows behind
Ludmer, placing a gauntleted hand on Zoltan's shoulder as he passes
You lead the horses
east through the swampy forest to the other side where the trees make
way to tall grass and sturdy sedges. The rain is a faint drizzle but
persisting and once in a while one member of the party will sink deep
into the mud so that at noon when you reach another forest everyone
is wet to the bone. Ludmer is in the lead, methodically searching for
clues, Anastaz and Zoltan behind him. Under the tall trees the ground
is dry and the thick canopy protects you from the rain. Ludmer, the
trail gets fainter, you suspect single members must have split up as
they crossed the swamp. You assume not more than half a dozen are
left in the group you are following.
On the branches of a
tree nearby large grey birds are startled by the noise you make and
when they take flight they flutter about in a strange spiralling
circle before dispersing.
Ludmer, the Trail
"There is fate at
work here, my brothers knight. Let's proceed as quiet and carefully
as we can. Notice how the trail has gotten thinner. Either they were
lost by the main group, who pressed on, not thinking that they could
feasibly turn around and abort their cause, or they broke off
willingly, perhaps to scout ahead or perhaps to scout behind,
constructing an ambush.
Zoltan, this is your
chance to prove your mettle as a scout. Take one of the smaller
trails and follow it, see where it leads. Once you've found
something, report back to us as we follow the main trail. Be careful
though. I'd much rather report to Sir Perilake that you've proven
yourself capable by finding information and - above all else -
surviving than having to report that you've been the failure you
secretly fear your father takes you for after you've stupidly gotten
yourself killed in the swamp by taking unnecessary risks and trying
to be a hero. If you don't find anything in time to return to us by
nightfall, please do abort and return in time to meet up with us
further east along the bigger trail. I know that good Sir Perilake
would never forgive himself if his squire got lost in the swamp.
Be swift, young squire.
Be brave. And above all else, be careful."
Back into the swamp |
The young Squire's face
flushes, for a second, and then he composes himself. "Yes, Sir
Ludmer." Zoltan checks the dagger at his belt, the cloth of his
tunic still red with the blood of the men he fought yesterday."I
will try not to let you, Sir Perilake or my father - rest his soul -
down any further." He then carefully picks his way through the
woods following the smaller trail with painstaking care. His hands
grip the reins of his pony tightly however, the knuckles white with
You ride back into the
swamp eventually dismounting to lead your pony over the treacherous
ground. After a while you find signs of a single traveller moving
north, a faint trail between the tall grass. The stars come out as
you arrive on a lush heath, a group of foxes hunting meerkats in the
dimming light. You find traces of a campfire, the ashes scatterd but
still visible to the trained eye. The trail leads further north but
it is too dark to follow it.
Zoltan sighs, and
wheels his pony to rejoin the others "A fool's errand. But for
or from one..." He looks up at the sky. "I can only hope
Sir Ludmer is in a better mood, for I fear night will have fallen
before we rejoin them on the main path"
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