Sunday 23 August 2020

Three Sticks Lake

As they approach the two gigantic biomechanical trees of Jade Baobab they a greeted by a lone rotten potato thrown against the windshield.

Sister Mercy-Is-Weakness

They win the village youth’s trust by giving away roadside tobacco. All of them seem to have minor vome infections. A cybernetically modified woman in a traditional nun habit invites them in. Sister Mercy-Is-Weakness confirms that the Greenlander trading caravan passed through three weeks ago and that the Purplefolk caravan planned to travel to the Gall Grass plains in order to settle there. They stay for a week in coffin hotel style synthetic baskets. A Half-Ling patrol on huge swift snails arrive collecting taxes for dubious reasons and without apparent authority. Nat befriends them with stories and candy, while Naida and Vigo share Purple Haze with Toll Master Jossip, who decides to join them on their journey - at last for a while. Azure and Sarqo venture deep into the roots of the tree, where Azure finds Vile intestines and Sarqo biomantic Baobab stem cells.

The Rusty Bridge (cross at your own risk)

After a week they continue their journey around the lake. At the pot holed rusty bridge over the Red River they halt, unsure about how to cross. Sarqo tames two rat-like mechs who try to maintain the bridge with duct tape and prayers but Azure (still high and impatient) persuades the heroes to return to Jade Baobab and take the ferry.

The Flesh Princess

On their way across the lake to the Old Isle they witness a ghostly apparition on the shore to the East, a great screen of flickering motes, like static upon a celestial cathode display. A strong wind blows the map away that they bought in Red Bear Village. The next morning before they reach the island Ostens spots a group of half-human nomads squatting around a cold campfire eating ash, while three machine humans with rags of synthetic skin emerge from the water and try to drag one of the nomads away. Naida fires a barrage of warning shots that scares the attackers away, leaving their victim behind. When the ferry docks at the jetty they approach the eerie nomads, who claim that the “Water People” are vehicles for an alien entity who had descended from the void in a sky chariot that still can be found on the High Horse Steppe.

Iron Pike (former Hippie Wizard Commune)

They approach the Iron Pike village, three eccentric globes slowly rotating. When the three circular openings line up they enter and are greeted by a warrior, Broadgrin the Sinewy, who challenges Azure to a wrestling match. Shaking off the vertigo from realizing that the village is not only bigger inside but also that gravity is aligned with the walls of the globe like in an O’Neill cylinder, Azure defeats Broadgrin. In a bunker adorned with barb wire and colorful graffiti, Icing Matilda, a witch with a twitchy mask-like face, warns Naida, that Soba, the Ultra residing in Satrap 88’s crystal snail, will try to possess her if she is not careful.

 Actual Play:

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