The Para-Radio picks up signals from bygone eras. If you want to determine the time period, roll 3d20 and use the columns adjective, culture and period from UVG p. 182.
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Scanning the Ghost Field for Transmissions |
Roll once a week 2d6 for type and broadcast.
1 Static
2 - 3 Music
4 Talk Radio
5 Radio Drama
6 Distress Signal
1 Static
It's better than silence ... or is it?
Roll a d6: On a 1 the radio is now possessed by
a Gavrilov Translation Ghost called "Lektor" who translates
all voice broadcasts into Ultra, drowning out the original signal. Lektor is unable to convey any kind of emotions when dubbing radio dramas. On a 6 the white noise instead
attracts an Ultra who leads you to a nearby discovery.
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Not your typical Folk Song |
2 - 3 Music
1 Atonal. Unless musically trained the PC must save or be overcome by the feeling of ennui for d6 days.
2 Opera or Musical. Roll a d6. On a 1: As long as the
para-radio plays all dialog from NPCs will be sung. Common activities will be
performed in a dance routine.
3 Incredibly slow Drone Metal. The good
4 Traditional Folk. Roll a d6. On a 1: A
shamanistic song turns out to be a bad luck curse. On a 6: A shamanistic
spell can be learned.
5 Whale Songs. Heals 1d4 stat damage. 1 in
6 chance the driver falls asleep, crashing their vehicle.
6 Classic Jazz. Roll a d6. On a 6: I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire is played and the camera zooms out to reveal a nearby discovery to the players. Inexplicably this is now character knowledge as well.
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Listening to Chess on the Radio can be challenging |
4 Talk Radio
1 Amateur Poetry Slam. It’s … pretty bad.
2 “The Hour of Power”. Religious music and sermon.
Roll period then go around the table: Every player adds at least one element to
the religion (tenet, deity, prophet, symbol, ritual, hierarchical structure
3 “Counterclockwise Spin” Science broadcast about
entanglement. Slightly confusing and there’s a 1 in 6 chance a random
PC quantum tunnels through their vehicle.
4 Broadcast of a Machine Human Chess
Tournament or Vintage
Baseball Radio Show:
5 “The Wanderer and their Shadow”. Philosophy
broadcast. Roll a d6. On a 1: The driver falls asleep, crashing their
vehicle. On a 6: A random PC gains deeper insight in the true nature of
being and time. Permanently raise INT (or Thought) by 1.
6 History broadcast. Roll period then go around the table: Every player makes up one interesting fact about the period. Everybody gains d6 x 10 XP per fact.
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Mystery Show: The Wages of Sin |
5 Radio Drama
1 Crime Show “The Shadow”. Murderhobo PCs might
reconsider their life choices for every episode teaches: Crime doesn’t pay!
2 Horror Show “Inner Sanctum”. 1 in 6 chance that an Ultra (L6) escapes the show and tries to possess a PC.
3 Comedy show “Sensible Chuckle”. Really funny. Infact, so good there’s
a 1 in 6 chance of peritoneal strain (1d4 appropriate stat damage)
4 Romance show “Invitation to Love”. Roll a d6. On
a 1: One of the main characters reminds a random PC of their first love.
They get lovesick for a month (- d4 CHA). On a 6: Same but the PC
remembers their first love fondly (+ d4 CHA for a month).
5 Mystery Show "Wages of Sin". Pretty
great but there’s a 1 in 6 chance of signal loss before the mystery is solved.
6 Retro Science Fiction Show “Atom Age
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Brain in a Jar with Metal Skull Mask |
6 Distress Signal
1 A Satrap outpost is under attack by raiders.
Except: It’s a trap! Roll on the Raider table.
2 Fallout Shelter. Utterly trashed and looted. There's a 1 in
6 chance that it's inhabited by cannibalistic mutants (L5).
3 Nuclear Power Plant from the Long Long Ago. d6
crates of radiothermal rods (€500 each) but save vs radiation sickness
4 A Satrap Outpost is under attack by raiders.
Help the Satraps and be rewarded (€500). Aid the raiders and get a cut of the
loot (€1000 but 1 in 6 chance of betrayal)
5 Crashed Sky Chariot (€5000 + alien tech)
6 Underground Science Facility. d6 crates of biomantic gear (€10.000 per crate)
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